This low price includes:
*This is everything required to make your DBA legal for 5 years.
The below fees are applied in addition to the $28 publication price:
Options for Submitting Your DBA To Us:
The easiest and most efficient way to submit your DBA & payment for publication is to do so through our website via the form to the right.
If for any reason you are unable to upload your DBA & make your payment through our website you can utilize the below methods to get a copy of your DBA to us.
Fax a copy of your DBA to: (818) 475-5081
Mail a copy of your DBA to: 14401 Sylvan St., Suite #101C Van Nuys, California, 91401
Include a check made out to: “28 Dollar DBA” for $28
(*Please be sure to include any additional applicable fees for additional names or rush filings.)
Below is a breakdown of the fees for filing a DBA at the LA County Registrar’s office:
Monday through Friday: 8:30 am to 4:00 pm
Van Nuys Branch
14340 Sylvan St.
Van Nuys, CA 91040
Norwalk Office
12400 Imperial Hwy
Norwalk, CA 90650
LAX Courthouse
11701 S. La Cienega Blvd, 6th Flr
Los Angeles, CA 90045
44509 16th St. West, Suite 101
Lancaster, CA 93534
Our office is conveniently located across the street from the LA County Clerk’s Office and provides the fastest DBA service available.
*This option will require notarization
If you’d like us to file your DBA you have 2 choices:
Breakdown is as follows:
$26 County Filing Fee
+ $15 Notarization
+ $30 Form Prep & Filing Service
+ $28 Publication
= $99 Total